Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Listening/Hearing/Well, Sort Of

So last night, dealing with new appliances for a new house, I finally spoke with our sale's rep and explained the issues involving the new appliances; especially the one where their info on the dish washer measurements were wrong. Of course all will be taken care of - but when relating the story to the wife, she asked me if I told the sale's rep that their installer said the measurements were not updated. I said no as I covered everything else. She then drops the - 'oh, you must not have heard me when I told you this' line. Jeez, bitch, bitch, bitch....I guess covering all that is wrong is not enough and we're not going to pay for the install - but that was not good enough. I'll just add that to the list of things she claimed to have told me but I never heard. But, of course it should go both ways, but does not....she denies me telling her things, even though I describe the where/when of it. Just not good enough.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Bitch Bitch Bitch

I'm at a many husbands no doubt - when I help at home it is never good enough....when I do not help, I'm useless and wife calls herself a maid. Is there a happy medium? I do not think so. So what happens, the wife goes into 4 wheel drive bitch and complains for the next hour and simmers the rest of the day. Never mind that whenever we have a party, she handles the front end and I handle the back end and make sure everything is cleaned up so in the morning, all we have to do (meaning ME) is put the dishes away. Do I compain, no; why? Will not do any good and will only fan the flames of bitchdom.

Man, this sucks.